Rotation & Revolution


Rotation of the Earth is when our beloved planet, rotates on its axis. The axis of the earth is at a 66° angle (Acute angle). This was the result of a meteor the size of Mars crashed into the Earth causing it to be thrown of is original axis, slanting it to 66°. Also, it takes 24 hours or one (1) day to complete one full rotation on its axis.

Revolution of the Earth

What is Revolution of the Earth?

Revolution of Planet Earth is when it revolves ie. spins around the sun on its orbit. It takes approximately 365.242 days or 365¼ days to complete one (1) full revolution around the sun.

What is an Orbit?

An orbit is the moving of a celestial body (planet) around another celestial body (ie. Star).

What are Celestial Bodies?

A celestial body is a Planet or a Star or a black hole

What are Black Holes?

Black holes form at the end of a star’s life. The energy that used to hold the star together disappears and it collapses in on itself making a huge and majestic explosion. All of that material left over from the explosion, more than the mass of our Sun, falls into an infinitely small point.

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