~What is Germination?

Germination s the process by which a seed uses water/moisture, air/oxygen and temperature/warmth to grow into a seedling or young plant.

~Is Germination important and why?

Yes, Germination is very important because without germination of seeds all the plants on the planet earth wouldn’t exist. All animals (including the vegan teacher) need plants to survive, approximately 75% of the earth’s food supply comes from plants alone.

~Important points to note when planting a seed –

  1. Always make sure to water the the seed daily, or else it may dry up and die
  2. Make sure to plant the seed in the correct environment, whether it is in a plant pot or in the ground. Certain plants need different types of soil to thrive well. Eg: Sandy, Muddy, Clay or Silt.
  3. Make sure that your seed is planted around three times (3x) its width deep into the ground. Eg: If a seed is 1cm thick, it should be planted about two to three centimeters (cm) into the ground

This took 30 mins to make 💀

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